
TOPOS于2012-2014年完成的整体景观新设计最大程度利用严西湖旖旎的天然景致, 将大体量酒店及会议中心建筑群交融于自然。通过层次丰富的景观空间营造, 创造在恢弘自然环境中的亲切尺度和洄游漫步体验。品创低调奢华,沉浸于湖光山色之间沁心的都市度假胜地。


From Grandeur to Serenity: A Landscape Journey

Over thousands of years, the Chinese believed that the heavens, the earth, and human beings are intimately connected, and that humans must live and act within the laws of nature. This traditional view included architecture, suggesting that buildings should harmonize with nature.

Landscape redesign by TOPOS between 2012-2014 maximizes scenic and environmental relationships to the Yanxi Lake ecosystem, including forested hills, wetlands, and aquatic plants. The contextual landscape is boldly drawn into the resort, enveloping the hotel and conference center complex with a lush forest of native plants. This woodland landscape extends lakeside terrestrial habitat onto the development site.

Both intimate and grand spaces are carved from the woodland, framed with richly layered plantings, all connected with an exploratory walkway network. The resort appears to be immersed within a natural mountain and lake setting. A cluster of varied courtyards offers intimacy and smaller scale activities.

As one moves from the grand entry garden and conference center to the pool recreational area and lake-front open space, landscape design transitions from orderly compositions to varied and diverse woodlands. Natural lakeside landscapes are interwoven with recreated natural landscapes. Topography grows more varied as one approaches the lake. A primary organizing axis reinforces the sequence from formal activity settings to a romantic getaway with nature.


Design Phases by TOPOS
Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, Construction Administration






20.8 公顷

